Modern Hero: Chihiro's Symbol Paragraph


Chihiro is symbolized by her bathhouse contract which represents all the troubles and obstacles she’s faced within her life in the Spirit World. Being a human in the Spirit World, Chihiro needed a job if she wished to stay as a human and save her parents, who had been turned into pigs. She had to make a deal with the bathhouse manager, a witch named Yubaba in order to get a job. Like any kind of deal, Yubaba made Chihiro sign a contract before giving her her work. After giving Chirhiro time to sign the foreboding contract, Yubaba forcefully steals Chihiro’s name signed on the contract, causing it to become “Sen.” By stealing Sen’s original name, Yubaba could control Sen as she saw fit. The ink on the contract is both Chihiro’s internal an external suffering. The clean paper unsoiled by the ink exemplifies purity and innocence. Paper exists as a tool for mankind. To be used and disposed at someone else’s convenience. In this same way, Chihiro 's parents tossed her around at their convenience without giving allowing Chihiro to be able to have a say in anything. The sheet of paper’s muteness is a direct reflection of Chihiro’s lack of voice and ability to speak up for herself. When the people around her use her like a piece of paper, they may be able to cover up and pretend not to see the everlasting marks they caused, but it will always continue to sit, never fading, never healing. Just messy scars marring the perfect but fragile porcelain “skin"; things like scars, both mentally and physically "stained." Due to Chihiro being a mere Human trapped in the Spirit World, she is at the bottom of their society, and Yubaba makes an excellent representation of this by pulling Chihiro’s contract out of the bottom of her stack of files. Chihiro is well depicted by her contract because It shows her lifestyle and her will as she stumbles upon trouble after trouble.

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