Poetry: Transformed

Sen’s contract was gone,
The wicked witch
no longer owned her.
Her name had been restored.

Her parents would never believe her.
No one would.
Except the dragon
and the spirits she’d saved
Who knew her
as Sen,
 The human
That had been
And brave:
The one
Who had saved
sorrowful spirits
from their suffering.

Chihiro was Sen
Sen was Chihiro.

Chihiro, who had been afraid
Of the mysterious tunnel
and its secrets,
Chihiro, who whined and acted scared
terrified of the unknown
Chihiro, the transformed one.
The contract transformed her,
From Sen
To Chihiro
It had made her realize
She could brave anything
Thrown at her
She did not need to be Sen
to have courage.
She could be herself.

From Chihiro
To Sen
To a brand new

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