Perseus's Overview

Ancient Hero
Greek Name: Perseus
Roman Name: N/A
Phonetic Spelling: [pur-see-uhs]

Relationship o Zeus

         Perseus is the son of the Greek god, Zeus, and Danae, the daughter of the king Acrisius. The oracle of Apollo told Acrisius that Danae’s son would one day kill him, so he locked her up into a bronze tower so she would not marry or have children. However, this plan backfired when Zeus, in a shower of gold, came through one small window. Acrisius saw the light from Zeus’s magic, and had his men tear down one wall so he could see what was happening. This is how he found out about Perseus. Perseus and his mother were then sent away, explaining how they managed to reach the island of Seriphos, starting the adventures of Perseus. Perseus is not only favored by his father, Zeus, but some of the other gods as well, proven when they decide to aid him with gifts on his mission to decapitate the gorgon, Medusa.  Although Perseus is one of the many offspring of Zeus, he is favored by the gods as a very powerful mortal.

Powers and Responsibilities

            Besides being a demigod, Perseus is the one prophesied to bring death to his grandfather, Acrisius, by the oracle of Apollo. After Perseus grows up, he feels responsible for protecting his mother, Danae, which is the reason why he is sent off to kill Medusa, although he is unaware of this at first. Perseus does not seem to have any superhuman abilities until the gods, Hermes and Athena, appear with gifts to aid him on his mission. Perseus uses the winged sandals of Hermes to get to many places in a short amount of time. The mirror shield and sickle or, in some versions, sword, are used in the killing of Medusa.
However, he is very clever, as shown when he tricks the Graeae into revealing where the Nymphs of the North are located. After Perseus's original mission is completed he uses the gorgon's head for many good deeds. He frees the princess Andromeda from the sea monster sent by Poseidon, for example. Similarly, he uses the head to free his mother from the court of Polydectes. Perseus does not seem to have many superhuman abilities besides the gifts given to him by the gods. However, he is very brave and clever and is very loyal to the ones he loves.

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