Perseus's Letter To His Mother, Danae

This contains the following:

June 5, 2012 B.C.

Dear Mother,

            How are you doing? I’m doing fine. I finally found the Nymphs of the North. It took a while to convince the Graeae to give me the location. Let’s just say that I may have taken less than noble ways to convince them. So if you see a group of three women and they’re sharing an eye, don’t trust them. RUN AWAY. Ok?

            Anyways, I think I’ve finally gotten all that I need for my mission. I know that you don’t approve, but I have to fulfill my promise to Polydectes. Even if he is a dictator, I have to finish this mission; no one will trust me because I made a false promise if I don’t. There are many risks that I’m taking, but I have to do this.

I’m sorry; I don’t think I’ve been anything but trouble for you. When I was born, Acrisius sent us away in a trunk because of a prophecy saying that I’ll kill him. When we finally landed on the island Seriphos, you had trouble with the ruler, Polydectes. Now, you have to deal with me going on a nearly impossible mission from which I may never come back. Somehow, I’ll figure out how to come back alive. I promise.

            I hope you’re doing okay. Hopefully, Polydectes is leaving you alone. If he’s not, you should ask Dictys for help. He seems to like you, and he’s a pretty nice guy. I hope for your sake, though, that there is no need for Dictys to help you. When I get back from my mission, I’ll take you away from Seriphos so Polydectes will never threaten you again. I know that you don’t really like him, so maybe I’ll use Medusa’s head to do something to him instead of just taking you away. Perhaps we’ll visit my grandfather, Acrisius. Maybe he’s gotten over the prophecy and he’ll welcome you back. I hope that you’ll be able to see him for a while at least. Even if it doesn’t work out, I want you to be happy. It is my duty as your son to make sure that you are happy and healthy. There are a lot of things that we can do once I get back home, so you should rest until I get back.

            I’m a little afraid of what’s going to happen when I get to the gorgons’ lair. I’m trying to act confident so you won’t get worried, but I still am a little afraid. Hopefully, I’ll be able to slice off Medusa’s head and head off before any of here sisters notice. Pray to Zeus for me, ok? Oh, and please make a sacrifice to Athena and Hermes too. Well, I need to get going (the nymphs have set up a farewell party for me). Don’t miss me too much. I’m pretty sure I’ll be back soon.

                                                                                                                             Your forever loving son,

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